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​We are not currently hiring any permanent staff, but we have a number of Event Staff and Volunteer Steward positions available during our Events.

Event Staff


Event Staff roles require previous experience to be considered, and the understanding that you will be expected to work for the duration of the event and unable to freely attend event activities. Event Staff positions include running the Main Hall, Photo Studio, Registration and the Merch table, Green Room, Meet and Greets and Coffee Breaks as required. If you are interested, please contact for more details, pay and benefits.


If you would like to help out with a convention but don’t want to staff the whole weekend, you can volunteer as a Steward. Depending on the number of volunteers, you may only asked to help out for an hour or two. Tasks for Stewards may include:

  • Main Hall during panels - providing assistance to anyone with Access requirements, monitoring the questions queue, and making sure the general rules for the Main Hall are being followed

  • Badge and Wrist-band checking at the main doors - ensuring everyone entering the dedicated convention space is a ticket holder

  • Autograph Sessions - queue management, queue buddy or assistance for those with Assistance Passes

  • Photo Studio - queue management, Photo Op voucher checking

  • Runner - (no actual running required) taking badge number updates to the tech desk in the Main Hall / making announcements

  • Photo Op collection - assisting with distribution of printed Photo Ops.


For your time we’ll compensate you with a Merch Goodie bag including an exclusive Group Guest Photo, and if you are stewarding during Autograph Sessions or Photo Ops, you’ll get to hop in near the front of the line, regardless of badge number. If you would like to volunteer, contact

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